Western Caspian University




Abstarct: The article is written considering scientific research methods and ac- tuality. As we know the teaching approaches have some interesting relationships with each other. They sometimes overlap, support, complement and even con- tradict each other. Keep in mind that each activity may not fall only into one category. It may join to two or more of these categories. Don’t become strict about how these approaches are used in the classroom, just be aware of what they are and how they are used best. Of course, no single approach can answer all of every teacher’s questions, so it depends on your interest to be open-minded enough to try all of them and begin to see which one works best in which situations. Many language teachers these days do not use one single approach. They may use one approach one week and different approach the next. Also, all learners have different learning styles and different ideas about how language should be learnt. As you can see, the teaching approaches vary in how specific they are about views on language and language learning and their typical classroom practices. Some are more developed in different areas than others. They all do have their own merits. It’s up to you, the teacher, to use the proper approach to get the job done. You should use them right and be the best teacher that you can be.

Keywords: language, teaching approaches, communication skills,learners.

UOT: 81

DOI: doi.org/10.54414/ikas9730